Puerto Puerto Plata Plata

Since late January, I've been on a 2-part assignment that has kept me rather occupied. More about that this weekend. 

The day before part 1 began, I relished the opportunity to visit with some special people who were only a little over an hour away. I first met the dynamic duo of Paul and Cori on Zoom in June 2021. Their Greendale, WI, congregation is keenly interested in sending a short-term team to LAC in the coming years. I first met Paul and Cori, and their pastor, in-person over Mexican when I was in their area (Chicago - close enough) in November 2021. A couple weeks ago, Paul and Cori were in my area thanks to a board meeting for another NGO they're affiliated with; another meet-up was a no-brainer. 

A missed connection threw a wrench in our Monday plans, but my Wednesday morning schedule allowed for a quick jaunt to the north coast. Paul and Cori had met some fellow resort-goers, an IL couple with an almost 2 yr. old, during their overnight ordeal in Miami; they spontaneously joined us for a drive to the top of Pico Isabel de Torres (the Caribbean's only cable car is temporarily closed). It was a beautiful, clear day to explore for an hour or so before I dropped everybody off and headed back to Santiago for an afternoon meeting. 

I was almost home when Cori called. Wife/mom Michelle had left her cell phone in my car! I knew how I would have felt in that instance and had no obligations in the late afternoon, so I decided it was also a beautiful, clear day to show Christ's love by making a 2nd roundtrip to Puerto Plata! My body hurt after roughly 5 hours in the car, but I had also gotten my 3rd dose of the COVID vaccine the day before. 

Join me in praying that God might open a door for Paul, Cori, and their congregation to partner with OIM in the future, and know that if you, too, ever find yourself in Puerto Plata you better believe I'm driving to come see you. 

Until next time, blessings in Christ!
