Poco a Poco

Little by little.

Little by little, I'm working to get my soon-to-be house ready for move-in.

The car in the carport belongs to the missionary family that previously lived there. I also had an exterior, dusk to dawn floodlight installed underneath the center of the bay window since this photo was taken. 

Homes in Cerro Alto, the neighborhood where the entire Santiago-based missionary team lives, might be spacious and ornate, but they require SO. MUCH. EFFORT. As a rule, landlords tend to be pretty hands-off.

I'm starting to see the light, but it feels like I've been slogging through a mud pit. Thursday was a definite low point...long story involving a doorknob and IKEA. Suffice it to say Eddy the electrician saved the day on Friday. He's coming back to tie up a few loose ends tomorrow, so it's back to my all-too-familiar post at the kitchen table (as opposed to on the kitchen table...I finally borrowed some plastic chairs from the office) while he works.

Pending major projects include having screens installed, painting the master bedroom, and deep-cleaning. An afternoon-long, multi-store shopping spree is also in order to purchase housewares and pantry staples. I used wedding registry pins on Pinterest in compiling a list! I'll get around to smaller fixes, like the janky kitchen drawer, master bathroom towel rack, and guest bedroom closet door, and projects like cleaning out the backyard shed and hanging indoor clotheslines, soon enough.

Buh bye, lime green (and peeling thanks to a leak that's since been addressed)!

I'm doing my best to keep things in perspective:

"...looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith..." --Hebrews 12:2

That's helped by the fact that the first thing I see when I walk in is a crucifix. You'll see the same one, donated by LCMS Disaster Response, in many missionary homes and DRLM facilities. 

In that vein...here are some things I'm thankful for:
  • The refrigerator no longer vibrates. 
  • I have power. 
  • I have WiFi. 
  • I have water. 
  • I have hot water, thanks to the water heater Eddy installed. 
  • I have excellent water pressure, thanks to a new water pump motor, also courtesy of Eddy. 
  • THIS: 

And finally...
  • I have a lovely place to stay until my new home is at a point where I know I'll feel safe and comfortable. 
I'm an extremely goal-oriented individual, so moving day is tentatively set for 9/21. I fully realize that might not happen, though, and that's OK. Say it with me: flexible, flexible, FLEXIBLE.

House preparations will be going on hold soon; I leave for my first trip this week. Stay tuned to find out where in the region you can find me from Tuesday through Friday. 

Until next time, blessings!
