I Don’t Have the Patience for This

Real life post alert. Next time I agree to a 3:30 am airport pickup and a 10:00 pm meeting in the same day, someone stop me.

I enjoyed catching up with OIM Exec. Dir. Rev. James Krikava on the drive to his hotel AND fielding questions from a July short-term team (above) yesterday, but lack of sleep + being up to here (picture me gesturing WAY above my head) with the stress of a pending move* meant I about lost it this morning when the bus driver got confused and didn't show, leaving Pastor Krikava and a dozen or so other hotel guests stranded on day 1 of Concordia the Reformer Seminary's annual theological symposium. If one more person texted me about it once I was aware, I was going to throw my phone across the parking lot. 

We pulled the trigger and ordered four Ubers at 7:38 am; the last group had straggled in by the end of Matins.

I so needed the reminders of Psalm 23, hymn 872 ("The Lord is my Shepherd"), and the wise words of a fellow missionary who said someone let Satan in when we weren't looking, but we didn't get blown up, just hit by shrapnel (it sounded much better coming from her!). Indeed, he wants no part of students, missionaries, church body presidents, and thought leaders from 19 countries gathering around the theme of pastoral formation. I felt like I'd failed at my one job for the day - and I DID spill water all over the floor trying to get a drink - but I soon learned that the one most upset was me; those impacted had shrugged the driver's tardiness off as "island time," and ALL was forgotten by the time the empanadas came out during the morning snack break. 

Nevertheless, I was glad to leave for a previously scheduled 1:00 pm dentist appointment. Afterwards, I took a restful, introverted afternoon that started with a stint of working from the coffee shop on the first floor of "Bioplaza."  

Edible glitter? Yes, please. 

I'm praying for a good night's sleep and the readiness I need to face day 2. It's asado night - just wait for pictures of me and 80 of my best friends at a cookout in the Kreys' front yard. 

Until next time, blessings in Christ! 

*Against all odds, I'm moving back into the house I moved out of nearly TWO YEARS AGO, but I've faced frustrating delay after frustrating delay in this final stretch. There was a time when I thought I'd be moving on May 1, but that was 3+ weeks ago and I STILL don't have the keys [insert string of angry emojis]. 
