Mi Casa es Mi Casa Otra Vez

Hello from my HAMMOCK. 

Today was moving day, but I have a lot to catch you up on before we get to that so this is simply a long overdue post so you can share in my joy!

The short story is that my landlord kicked me out of the house I adored just shy of two years ago so she could live in it while her house was being remodeled, and today, I moved back. I was quite literally the ONLY one who thought this day would ever come, but I never lost hope and am trying very hard not to say "I told you so." 

After a harrowing final month of negotiations, my landlord handed over the keys at the worst possible time: in the middle of Symposium week. Day 1 almost did me in, so I wasn't mad about needing to fulfill my logistical support role remotely while out and about all the following day. 

The key exchange was a microcosm of the past 23 mos. in that it took far longer than anticipated, and the screen doors her dog chewed through weren't fixed as promised. (I can't even express to you how many times I used the eye roll emoji in conversations with our secretary and business manager throughout the process of signing a contract.) I took advantage of being there anyway to bring over the first of many carloads of stuff I didn't exactly pack per se, since the house is all of ~3 blocks from my temporary apartment. I very much needed - and need - the reminder I put back in its rightful place on the front porch as quickly as I could:
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

That afternoon, I bought a fridge! And had it delivered! I mistakenly thought this part was going to be a drawn out process, but the store had the model I wanted in stock and I was able to hire a 3rd party pickup truck taxi on the spot. 

Subsequent steps included lining up a moving truck, a moving crew of seminarians and friends, an electrician, a screen guy, and an A/C tech...all starting the day after I got back from a quick post-Symposium vacay. That's right - I skipped town the same day the majority of our out-of-town guests did! I told you there was lots to catch up on. 

That's enough using up hotspot data, though (still no WiFi...). More on the Symposium, an unforgettable seminary graduation, my weekend escape north, and move #3 in the coming days...before I host back-to-back short-term teams beginning Sunday at 1:46 am and get even more behind, si Dios quiere

Until next time, blessings!


ben&joanna said…
Looking forward to see you at 1:45 am this Sunday!�� Congrats on the house!!