There’s a Blender in my Closet

Gooooooood morning from the Santiago airport!

It's filled up a bit since I snapped the above photo with the rest of the passengers taking the red eye to JFK. From there, I'm on to Houston, TX, where, during leg #1 of 2 1/2 weeks in the US, I'll serve as a Gathering Ambassador (adult volunteer, formerly a “CLB”) at the LCMS Youth Gathering. That's at least one post and probably several. 

In my last post, I mentioned that I hoped the tire saga would be resolved. Alas, it is not, so that will be a post for another day, too. I'm hopeful I can tap a fellow missionary to help take care of it in my absence, since I really shouldn't drive to Punta Cana for our regional conference at the beginning of August until my tires are 100% road-trip ready. Time will be of the essence (more on that in a second), so if you know where I can get a ball-and-socket for a 2017 Hyundai Cantus, speak up. 

For as much as that's been a train wreck, I can say the opposite about a trip to the bank on Monday. (No, July 4 isn't a federal holiday here, although I saw several restaurants advertising "American" favorites like burgers and wings on Instagram, and I think I heard fireworks.) My pastor, co-treasurer, and I opened a church checking account. IN ONE VISIT! It took 2 hours and 48 minutes from pick-up to drop-off, but I know how these things go and had blocked off 3 hours on my calendar so it didn't even ruffle me. Plus, I brought a book (current read: The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek). 

Oh, you're still waiting for me to explain the title? You're in luck. I mean exactly what I said: there's a blender in my closet. The day after I get back from this trip, I'm moving to a temporary apartment directly below my current temporary apartment. With only a week to turn the place over to the owner before we all leave for the aforementioned conference, there's going to be no rest for the weary. It'll take < an hour for a crew of seminarians and missionary friends to carry my belongings down the stairs. A much larger project will be packing and moving everything I've been using for the past year that's not mine. Seminarians will do that, too, while I'm gone, so I spent a good chunk of this afternoon collecting my scattered belongings (exhibit A: blender) from various rooms. 

I better go since boarding is beginning - ON TIME, which is music to my ears - but pray for the Gathering (specifically, uneventful travels for the ~20,000 attendees and protection from COVID), a speedy solution to my car situation, and peace of mind as I relocate and settle in only to up and leave again. 

Until next time, blessings in Christ!
